Saturday, July 16, 2011

Madras Mom and Lil Madras Girl

Dear Ri,

Your mom has her own column in a local paper and what am I writing about again ? You.

My Lil Madras Girl.



Friday, July 15, 2011

Chitti marries Puh-pappa – July 2011

Dear Ri,

It’s been a while since I blogged. Your aunt who you finally met got married and we were all really busy with her wedding. Someday when you’re big and wise and strong and can do Google searches, you will find this note and remember that your chitti got married in July 2011 when you were 17 months old. The first two days of meeting her, you seemed a bit wary but then eventually you both got along like a house on fire. Blood does run thicker than water, dear Ri. I cannot wait for you to meet your other aunt.

The wedding was a great success. We all had a great time at the reception in your new Uncle’s hometown and you looked beautiful in all your special outfits. Chitti and V are an amazing couple, so easygoing, good-natured. They threw no bride-esque or groomy tantrums, greeted everyone with a smile and seemed to enjoy each other and the wedding. I only wish they both had more time to just enjoy themselves, kick back and relax instead of having to run around all the time.

We all love the way you call V, ‘puh-pappa’.

During the wedding, I spent most of my time running around in circles. I confuse myself Ri. Am I really that busy or do I just get worked up about needing everything to look perfect and pleasing everybody? I wish for you to inherit my ideas and obsessions, yet tempered with your dad’s easygoing attitude. Now, that would make life more fun for you.

There is so much more to write about. Yet, your mommy finds herself unable to put everything she feels down in writing. 


