Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sweet Child of Mine

When you’re a parent (even a newbie one like me), it’s easy to desperately want to protect your child from everything bad. In particularly emotional moments, you find yourself wondering if there are ways to strike bargains with God, transfer some of your child’s future hurt onto yourself, increase your share of disappointments in the hope that theirs will decrease.

And then in more rational moments, you realize that life does not work that way. Instead you pray that the blows are soft, that they learn from them the right lessons and life as such is filled with love, laughter and hope.

Blog Title: Sweet child of mine - Guns n Roses

A hundred days have made me older.......

Time flies when you’re having fun. And, when you are with your baby. Ri is a 100 days old today. A 100 days of non-stop nursing, little sleep, aching bones. And, aching heart. Like i desperately try to describe to her father, even though I know she is well and truly mine, there is always an achy-breaky hearty feeling while looking at her.

P.S : Found this in my drafts….written on her 100’th day and not posted :) Hence…..

P.P.S : Blog Title - Here without you - 3 Doors Down